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» andrae project service
Seebeckstraße 5
06217 Merseburg

Phone: +49 3461 745777
Fax: +49 3461 745778
Mobile: +49 173 3845919
E-mail: thomas.andrae@andrae-project-service.com

Owner: Thomas Andrae
Identification Number in accordance with Sect. 27a German VAT Tax Act: DE212643595

Pictures: Property of andrae company
Layout + programming: Merco MTW Merseburg

Disclaimer for the Website

» Liability for content
The contents of our pages have been created with greatest care. We can not, however, guarantee the correctness, completeness and up-to-date and current nature of the contents of this website.

According to Sect. 7 Para. 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act), we as the service provider are liable for our own contents on these pages according to general laws. According to Sect. 8 to 10 TMG we as service providers are, however, under no obligation to monitor transmitted or recorded information from external sources nor are we liable to search for circumstances that may suggest illicit activity. Obligations concerning the removal of information or the blocking of access to information according to generally applicable laws remain unaffected by this. Any liability in this respect is, however, only incurred from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. Once we become aware of such legal violations we shall remove the respective contents immediately.

» Liability for links

Our site includes hyperlinks to external third-party web sites, over which we have no influence in terms of content. Therefore, we can accept no liability for this external content. The content of linked sites remains the responsibility of the provider or operator concerned. At the time of creating the links, the corresponding linked pages were checked for possibly illegal contents. There were no identifiable illegal contents at the time the links were created. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked websites shall not be considered reasonable without a concrete indication for a violation of the law. Once we become aware of such legal violations we shall remove the respective links immediately.

» Copyright
The operators of the sites endeavour to respect the copyrights of others at all times or to use license-free works or works created by themselves.

The contents and materials on these pages created by the operators are subject to German and international copyright law. Contributions from third parties are identified as such. Copying, editing, distributing or any type of use beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the written permission of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.

» Privacy policy
The use of our web site is usually possible without the submission of personal information. Insofar as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) are collected on our sites, this is always done on a voluntary basis, if possible. These data will not be passed on to third parties without your explicit consent.

Please be aware that there are inherent security risks in transmitting data (such as e-mails) via the internet. It is impossible to safeguard completely against unauthorized access by third parties. We hereby expressly object to the use by third parties of the contact data published within the scope of our statutory legal notice obligations for the transmission of advertising and information material not explicitly requested. The page operators expressly reserve the right to take legal action against any party who sends unsolicited advertising information, such as spam e-mails.

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Cookies are text files containing information which identifies the returning visitor exclusively for the duration of their visit to our internet pages. Cookies are stored on your computer's hard disk and do not cause any damage there. They allow us to make our web site more user-friendly, tailor the contents of our website more closely to your requirements and thus improve our service to you. Cookies can be used to establish whether your computer has had prior communication with our pages. Only the cookie will be identified on your computer. Personal data can be stored in cookies if you have given your consent. This may be the case for instance for a protected online access - you would not have to re-enter your user-ID and password at every visit.

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» Duty to minimize damages
In the case of any legal disputes, in particular concerning domain rights or competition law, we would ask you contact us beforehand, in order to avoid unnecessary legal action and costs. In the absence of any such preceding contact with us, any financial claims relating to legal cautions will be rejected as being without foundation in view of the duty to mitigate damages.